About us

This digital toolbox is a product of the Joint Programs: Embedding Virtual Exchange, or  JPROV, Project. The JPROV project aims to create a framework for the development of innovative and efficient Joint Programs (JPs) with embedded online elements by creating the structure and technical solutions necessary to develop these new programs. In addition, it will address the pedagogical content and approaches. 

At the JPROV project, we aim to support the creation of new innovative curricula, educational methods and develop training courses for administrative, technical and academic staff.


Project coordinator: Mirko Varano – varano@kth.se

Project co-coordinator: Pia Schmitt – pisc@kth.se

Aalto contact person: Tomi Kauppinen – tomi.kauppinen@aalto.fi

TU Darmstadt contact person: Sandra Ristic – sandra.ristic@tu-darmstadt.de

ULisboa contact person: Beatriz Silva – beatriz.silva@tecnico.ulisboa.pt