Welcome to the Online Teaching Digital Toolbox

This online repository contains the elements involved in creating joint online courses, including a technology toolbox, good online teaching practices, and a compilation of activities suitable for an online environment.

In this page you will find:

  • Information on different types of online courses
  • Roadmaps on structuring your course
  • A technology toolbox containing useful apps and programs
  • Golden rules to follow when designing your course
  • A compilation of activities suitable for an online environment (some of them can be done offline as well!)
  • … and other interesting content for teachers and educators

This digital toolbox is a product of the Joint Programs: Embedding Virtual Exchange, or JPROV, Project. Explore all the different tools and resources below!

Structures and Admininstrative Requirements Page Illustration Support for the development of new joint programmes

This page provides information about joint programmes and different formats that can include online elements to enhance mobility.

Build your digital course Page Illustration Build your digital course

Explore the three elements for building a digital course - digital tools, golden rules for online teaching, and the pre-loved practices that facilitate the learning process.

Recommendations and pre-loved practices Page Illustration Recommendations and pre-loved practices

When designing your online course, what are the experiences of other practitioners? Learn what works for them in this toolbox of pre-loved activities.

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